When you’re a business owner but you’re feeling extremely uninspired during lockdown


We often say that the entrepreneurial journey is a lonely one. This couldn’t be more true - especially during the current global lockdown.

As a business owner, you make hundreds of decisions and wear multiple caps each day. You have to look after your mental health to be able to function at your best. But social distancing and isolation from our co-workers, friends and family can cause anxiety and depression which then affects your motivation and leaves you feeling uninspired to take on the next big thing.

I know exactly how that feels because I  went through that too. When the lockdown in Singapore began I felt an immense lack of motivation to do anything for the business. I stopped everything that I was supposed to be doing. I stopped building relationships with my clients. I stopped updating Instagram. I stopped feeling excited to share my message with the world.

I started doubting my business. I doubted the concept of it and mostly, I doubted myself. I didn’t believe that I could do it anymore. So I allowed myself to stop completely. I took a month off and did absolutely nothing. And that was when the magic began. When I slowed down, I felt more relaxed and had more time to reflect, and realised that motivation comes after action.

Motivation comes after action.

Yes, you feel motivated only AFTER you take action. So here are 4 things you can do to feel motivated again when you seriously don’t feel like it.

1.      Video call a friend

Pick up the phone and call your friend. Not just any friend. Call the friend who was there for you when you FIRST started your business, the one who wants to see you succeed, and the one who has been supporting you and telling you that you can do it. She (or he) is the one who is always excited for you and believes in your vision. Make a video call with that friend and simply catch up. Tell her exactly what you’re going through and that you’re feeling unmotivated to do anything. The conversation will help you remember why you started your business in the first place. It’ll reignite the spark in you, even just very slightly, but that is what will get you started again.

2.      Create an “Impact” album

This is one great hack I learnt from my mentor, Simone Heng. Whenever someone sends you compliments, praise and positive feedback in your DMs, emails and messages, take a screenshot of them and add them to a photo album on your phone or better still, an Instagram highlight album. When you feel like you could use some positive affirmations, go to the album and look at the comments people have sent you and realise what impact you have made on these people.

3.      Pick up an easy-to-read book

Read a book on the topic of startups, entrepreneurship, creativity or anything related to your field. Pick one that is easy to read, light and something that you would enjoy. Some of my personal favourites are Girlboss, Bluefishing, and Big Magic. If you prefer audio learning, listen to a podcast (the BossBabe podcast is one of my favourites) or download one of these books on Audible.

4.      Join a community

Support from a community of entrepreneurs on the same journey as you can really make a difference, especially on days where you feel alone. Having support and connection with other business owners can help keep you going when things get tough, give you ideas when you lack inspiration, and even connect you with potential investors and clients. Join a mastermind, online community or create a Whatsapp group with other entrepreneurs. Set a weekly or monthly date for a 1-hour zoom session to update one another on how each of you are doing and bounce ideas around.

This is why I set up Thrive Tribe - a community for entrepreneurs just like you and me to connect, share ideas and support each other. I learnt this the hard way when I launched my first business. I thought I could do it all by myself and that I didn’t need the help of others to keep me going. But I realised that when I trying to do so many things alone, my fire burns fast and is put out very quickly. Having a community meant that I was able to keep going for a longer time and was constantly reminded of why I launched my business in the first place.

If you would like to find out more about what Thrive Tribe can do for you, join the waitlist here and let’s connect!

What else do you do to get yourself back in the game? Leave a comment below!


How I Learnt to Free Myself from Other People’s Opinions (and 8 Things I Do to Practice Self-love)